GASTRONOMY to customer

HAJIMEKOTO’s brand began when we expressed a special meal for that day at the request of a customer.

From the time we spent with the people we met there that remains in our memories, we believe that food is a place where all creativity gathers, and we interpret “GASTRONOMY” as “the spirit of pursuing the real thing by facing the essence.” Even if we go beyond the field of food, we keep “GASTRONOMY” at the center of our creativity.We begin by having repeated conversations with our customers, gleaning the essence of what they are truly looking for from each experience, sensation, emotion, and word. We value tradition, connect it with our customers, and create dreams together.


そこで出逢った⽅たちと過ごした記憶に残り続 けている時間から ⾷は全てのクリエイティブが集まる場と考え 「GASTRONOMY(ガストロノミー)」 を 「本質と向き合うホンモノを追求する精神」 と私たちは解釈し ⾷のフィールドを⾶び越えても 「GASTRONOMY」をクリエイティブの中⼼に 据えて まずはお客様との会話を重ね ひとつひとつの体験、感覚、感情、⾔葉から 本当に求められている本質をすくいとり、 歴史や伝統を⼤切にお客様とつなぎ合わせ 夢をともに創造していきます