3 Feb 2023
The kitchen of PRISM LAB, a patisserie newly opened in Bandai-cho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, is designed to offer an immersive experience of the sweets crafted by Chef Pâtissier Yusaku Shibata, a member of the Japanese team that claimed victory at the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie 2023 (World Pastry Championship) after 16 years.
The kitchen features a space that recreates the actual setup used at the competition venue of the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie. Additionally, it adopts an open kitchen design, removing physical barriers between pastry chefs and customers to allow for direct interactions and conversations.
This approach transforms the space into more than just a place to sell and buy sweets. It aspires to create a world where visitors and staff can fully enjoy the unique atmosphere of Chef Shibata’s championship-winning vision, ensuring that every visit feels like reliving the triumph of that moment on the world stage.
「クープ・デュ・モンド・ドゥ・ラ・パティスリー2023(パティシエの世界大会)」で16年ぶりの日本優勝に輝いた代表チームの1人、シェフパティシエ柴田勇作のスイーツを体感できる徳島県徳島市万代町にオープンしたパティスリー『PRISM LAB (プリズム ラボ)』のキッチンをデザイン。